What people are saying.

“every time i leave i am so full of love and with a full cup to pass that love onto those around me.”

— Lil


“my heart feels so shiny and happy, thank-you for your magical work.”

— Miranda

“never have i felt more love and support than when i stepped into the well.”

— Karen


“i feel so loved and nourished by your presence in my life and i thank you so much for all that you do.”

— Jeanette

“thank-you for welcoming me into your beautiful community. you guys make magic happen.”

— Kasia


“Every experience with you makes me more humbled. You enlighten us with your love and so many gifted talents.”

— Nelson

“Ahh, the well - an infinite spring of REJUVENATION, renewal, rebirth. thank-you.”

— Lisa


“what a gift to be here. all of the laughs, love, and pure presence are absolutely everything.”

— Monica

“i look forward to being blessed in your space again and again. thank-you for all you do.”

— Maria


“What a magical evening. thank-you for the beautiful energy.”

— Holly

“thank-you for opening the doors to the well, but more importantly the doors to your heart.”

— Jacqui


“what an amazing experience we had during our sound bath. thank-you so much.”

— Chavez Family

“REJUVENATED every single time. thank-you.”

— Chammie


“Walking into this beautiful space feels like entering a vortex of love and healing.”

— Lilian

“thank-you for all the amazing gifts i RECEIVE in your home”

— Kim


“the two of you have made such a huge positive impact on me. people like you are hard to find. ”

— Yalda

“thank-you for being you. your voice EMANATES so mich love. I am grateful for every moment I spend with you.

— Kylie


“this beautiful night filled with illumination from the moonlight lit up my soul.”

— Alina

“i BELIEVE everything happens for a good reason, and i am grateful for the experience i’ve had since i met you both.”

— Malia


“I hope to continue this journey with you - the beautiful energies of mother moon and my sisters.”

— Amanda

“this was a very powerful experience.”

— Robin


“i’m blessed to have both you amazing souls in my life.”

— Nancy

“Thank-you for opening your home and hearts to me. i can’t help but feeling i was always meant to arrive here. ”

— Theresa


“you’ve created the space. you’ve healed so many and given them a safe space.”

— Aliya

“such a BEAUTIFUL experience … empowering, calming, hopeful, courageous, optimistic, euphoric, relieved, grateful!”

— Brittany


“wow! still feeling the benefits from last night. thank-you again so much for the magical journey you took us on.”

— Jessalyn & Remy

“I feel so good. sleeping better, and feeling so light. ”

— Sholina


“i don’t have the words to thank-you both for the experience you offered me. your wisdom, support, and guidance fill my heart.”

— Ivan