We’re the one’s that have come to remind you that there is no un-healable state of being.

To reassure you that you, and you alone, are responsible for you own health and happiness.

To empower you in such a way that you’ll never again forget that you are the creator of your own reality.

At The Well Canada, we are firm believers that the inside so aptly reflects the outside. Time and time again, experience has shown us that a certain amount of inner work is a necessity for all humans desiring to cultivate a happy, purposeful, and meaningful life. As holistic practitioners, we pair ancient healing modalities with cutting-edge principles to identify and heal the root cause of your symptoms - be it physical, mental, energetic and/or emotional. 

Think of it as spirituality meets Western medicine. 

  • Natasha Thompson


    Natasha is a yoga teacher, breath-work facilitator, inspirational writer, and brand new mother. What began as a conventional life in small town Ontario transformed into an international venture. After waking up in her twenties only to realize she’d been living for everybody else, Natasha left it all behind and set off on an adventure that would ultimately redirect the course of it all. For close to a decade she relished in the nomadic way - travelling to dozens of countries with just her backpack, an open mind, and a dedication to share and learn from others. She studied for years under some of the most renowned yogis in India, climbed to the top of the Himalayas, surfed the waters of Sri Lanka, walked across Europe, and ultimately ended up in Canada, just a few kilometres from where she was born, to meet the love of her life and start a family of her own.

  • Marcos Ravera


    Marcos is a vocalist, guitarist, sound healer, and influential leader within his community. He spent the majority of his professional career entertaining crowds internationally, and has since transformed his aptitude for music into a powerful offering to encourage physical and emotional healing within himself and others. It was a turbulent childhood and challenging adolescence that led Marcos to develop the strength and humility he possesses today. He has since answered a call to service and dedicated his life to acting as a bridge for all those willing to walk towards their highest potential; holding space to unravel the ego whilst seeking to empower all those on their path.

If you want to go fast,
go alone.

If you want to go far,
go together.

Our Incredible Team.