just breathe.


Regardless as to what you eat.
Irrelevant as to how much you exercise.
No matter your age.
Your weight.
Or the number of kilos you can bench press. 
None of it means anything if you aren’t breathing properly.
How you breathe = how long and how well you live.

What is Breathwork
Breathwork is a thousand year old science that powerfully activates your body’s innate ability to heal itself. Simply defined, breathwork is the alteration of your breathing in various easy and accessible rhythms to create an active form of meditation that encouages your nervous system into a parasympathetic state.

At The Well, we create a safe and intentional setting and then guide you to use your own breath to elicit experiences of deep emotional release, enhanced clarity, relaxation, transformation, healing of childhood trauma and spiritual awakening. 

Breathwork is for you if …

  • You struggle with insomnia or lack of restful sleep

  • You experience daily anxiety and/or depression

  • You often feel overwhelmed with the timing and experiences of your life

  • You are unable to fully express who you truly are

  • You deeply desire to let go of control and surrender into the flow of your life

  • You have any physical health concern / diagnosis

  • You feel numb, unhappy, or disconnected

  • You have been curious about plant medicine journeys but want to try something else that can have a similar impact

  • You are ready to access and explore the subconscious blocks and fears holding you back from taking steps forward in your life

Message us today if you’d like more info as to how changing your breath can change your life. Both group and 1:1 sessions are available. 


The magic of Palo Santo